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Looking into the Mirror of Death to Find Purpose in Life and Peace in Dying 

Public Talk, 13 Sept.

Phowa Retreat, 14/15 Sept.

with Chagdud Khadro


Public Talk:

13 Sept. 2019, 19:30 to 21:30

Entrance Fee: 17 € / 14 €

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Phowa Retreat:

14/15 Sept. 2019, 9:00 to 18:00

Entrance Fee: 160 € / 130 €

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Haus MBA 24
Max-Brauer-Allee 24
Hamburg Altona 
Chagdud Khadro in Berlin, 10./11. Sept.
More information.
Chagdud Khadro in Zurich, 21./22. Sept.
More information.


Anmeldung bis 30.11. erbeten
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Looking into the Mirror of Death to Find Purpose in Life and Peace in Dying.

Death comes to all, without regard for wealth, intelligence, or fame. It is life’s most awesome event. But even if death is inevitable, how we encounter it—terrified, confused, peaceful, or with spiritual mastery—this is within our own control.

In all cultures death is seen as a supreme mirror that enables us to develop discernment about life’s priorities and a deep appreciation of the power of mind. But we must prepare for the moment of death, not only in ordinary ways, but also spiritually. Without preparation, the dying person, caregivers, and family and friends can be overwhelmed by confusion and pain and not be able to take advantage of the deep potential of this moment of transition.

For the Buddhist masters, the moment of death offers a unique opportunity for liberation. They know of teachings and methods that can prepare us for that moment already during our lifetime. That preparation is urgent, right now, because the time of death remains uncertain!

In her public talk, Chagdud Khadro will offer an opportunity also to interested persons without previous knowledge of Buddhism to gain a first impression of the unique Tibetan teachings on the cycles of life and death, as well as of meditative practices to prepare for the moment of death.  

At the same time, Chagdud Khadro will present practical orientations from a Buddhist point of view on how to engage with and take palliative care of terminally ill and dying persons.

Those who have attended Khadro’s retreats and public talks come from many countries and cultures, and they have offered a wealth of insightful stories and suggestions about palliative care, death and dying that she will share with the participants.

In the following two days of September 14th and 15th 2019, in the same venue, Chagdud Khadro will lead an intensive practice retreat of the Buddhist meditation method of Phowa, the transference of consciousness at the moment of death. This includes the empowerment into the Buddha Amitabha that is required for that practice.

The events with Chagdud Khadro are directed at persons from all religious traditions who—for their own life or in the context of their work as health professionals with the sick and dying—are looking for meditative insights and profound instructions in order to gain a deeper understanding of the dying process.

The public talk is organised by Rigpa e.V.


A Life in the Service of the Dharma

Chagdud Khadro (aka Jane Tromge) is the spiritual wife of the late Tibetan master Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche (1930–2002), and an authorized teacher in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. She met Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche in 1977 in Nepal, and became one of his first Western students to receive the traditional instructions and empowerments of Vajrayana Buddhism.


After their marriage, in 1979 they moved to the United States, where she dedicated herself to the support and spread of his Dharma activities and teachings, with particular emphasis on publications.

Under Rinpoche’s guidance she compiled various commentaries to the traditional practices of the lineage, such as the Dudjom Tersar Ngöndro, the Longsal Nyingpo Phowa, and Apang Tertön’s Red Tara. As the managing editor of Padma Publishing she has edited many translations of major Tibetan works and practice texts.

In 1995, she followed Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to Brazil, where he established his main seat, Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling, in Três Coroas, Rio Gande do Sul.

Since Chagdud Rinpoche’s parinirvana in November 2002, Chagdud Khadro serves as the spiritual director of that center, and from there she coordinates the activities of Chagdud Gonpa in Latin America and other countries all over the world. 

Through her inspired coordination of the building of the Zangdog Palri temple, the pure land of Guru Rinpoche in Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling, she brought the last vision of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche to completion and thus contributed to the continuous spread of his blessings and legacy.

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche had soon recognized her signs of realization in the Phowa practice and her ability to train others. Already in 1986 she was authorized by him to teach Phowa and since then she has dedicated herself to this task in the US, Australia, and Europe.

Wherever she teaches, she inspires people with her dynamic and clear presence and with her unshakable commitment to the legacy of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.


Find more information on Chagdud Khadro here.



Spiritual Practice for the Preparation and Support of the Dying Process

In this retreat we will train in the Phowa practice, a spiritual method of Vajrayana Buddhism, through which we can achieve the capacity to direct our minds toward a higher state of rebirth. Phowa enables the practitioner to sustain deep attention to mind’s continuity despite the disintegration of the physical body in the dying process. In the moment of death we can direct the consciousness into a realm of absolute purity—the pureland of Dewachen, where we can continue our spiritual development on the path to awakening without hindrances.

Chagdud Khadro will offer the empowerment into the Buddha Amitabha that is required for this practice. The Phowa practice she is going to teach is based on the treasure text of the Tibetan Dzogchen master Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo (1685–1753). One of the particular benefits of this lineage is that the signs of accomplishment of Phowa can be gained relatively quickly, without extensive retreats.


The practice moreover includes a short, concluding longevity meditation that strengthens one’s vital force and the essential elements of the body. Till this day, this Phowa practice has been maintained in an uninterrupted transmission lineage and has led countless beings to the realization of their true Buddha nature. We too can be empowered to realize death as a unique opportunity to find liberation from ordinary cycles of existence and to overcome the deep fear and insecurity that death inflicts on us. 


With the Phowa practice we can meet death with confidence. Phowa ensures that we won’t die in a state of spiritual uncertainty, and drift helplessly in the after-death bardo, only to be blown back by the karmic winds into an uncertain rebirth in one of the six samsaric realms. Through training in the method of Phowa already during our lifetime and through learning to integrate the teachings and practice in our daily life and work we will come to a deep state of confidence and rest. We know that we can continue our spiritual path under the best conditions, even if an untimely death should surprise us.    


It is only through our own deep insights and lived experiences and through the wisdom and compassion that we gain through that practice that we will be able to assist others in sickness and death. Without the projection of our own fears and insecurities we will be able to give them strength and hope and contribute to the alleviation of their pain suffering.


The practice of Phowa of the transference of consciousness at the moment of death thus gives us confidence to live without dread of dying.

The Phowa Retreat is organised by B.I.B - Buddhismus in Berlin e.V.


Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis zum 30.11.2024, um den Veranstaltungsort verbindlich buchen zu können.
Kosten bei Anmeldung bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt: Abendvortrag: 16 € / Retreat: 160 €

Kosten bei Anmeldung nach dem 30.11.: Abendvortrag: 19 € / Retreat: 190 €
Es können maximal 50 Personen am Retreat und maximal 70 Personen am Abendvortrag teilnehmen.
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